Rezone for Housing

Rezone for Housing

image of Rezone for Housing

Calgary is facing a growing housing crisis. The cost of housing in Calgary has increased significantly over the past year, and currently 1 in 5 Calgary households cannot afford their housing costs. With over 6,000 families on the Calgary Housing waitlist, the city needs to take action to increase housing supply to help address the crisis. 

One concrete action the City has proposed is to rezone all of Calgary's neighbourhooods to allow for greater density. The proposed re-zoning (R-CG)  allows for single-detached homes, semi-detached homes, rowhouses, secondary suites, and backyard suites. It does not allow for multi-story apartment ...

Calgary is facing a growing housing crisis. The cost of housing in Calgary has increased significantly over the past year, and currently 1 in 5 Calgary households cannot afford their housing costs. With over 6,000 families on the Calgary Housing waitlist, the city needs to take action to increase housing supply to help address the crisis. 

One concrete action the City has proposed is to rezone all of Calgary's neighbourhooods to allow for greater density. The proposed re-zoning (R-CG)  allows for single-detached homes, semi-detached homes, rowhouses, secondary suites, and backyard suites. It does not allow for multi-story apartment buildings. This rezoning is also important because it will give the city access to $230 million dollars in grants to build non-market affordable housing.

Please urge your councillor to vote YES for the rezoning recommendation at the April 22nd Public Hearing.

Email your Councillor

We hear consistently that councillors pay attention to the emails they get from their constituents. If you want to support our city’s work to increase affordable housing, please write to your city councillor. Search for your councillor using the first three digits of your postal code (ex: T2A)

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Email Tips +

Please consider personalizing the below sample letter when sending a message to your councillor and the mayor.

Letters sent to public officials are often reviewed by staff. Thus, adding in personal stories and making the below letter your own helps to push decision makers into action.

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